In the kitchen, a mixer is a simple, yet essential, tool that serves as a baking instrument. But there’s a whole other world of mixers out there beyond what you may find in a kitchen. While you’re likely more familiar with these household mixtures, mixers are also developed on a much grander scale for industrial applications – hence they’re given the name “industrial mixers.” They operate similarly to the types of household mixers that you’re likely more used to using, but they are also much more complicated and intricate when it comes to their applications and uses.
This post will take a closer look at these industrial mixers, including what they’re used for, what specifically they do, the various different types of them and more. Just think of it as Industrial Mixers 101:
What do industrial mixers do?
Simply put, industrial mixers do the same types of things that household mixtures do – just with larger volumes of materials. Specifically, industrial mixers are used to either mix or blend materials used to create products for several different industries, including food, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic and mineral. In this sense, industrial mixers differ from the mixers used in homes in that they’re used to create product for several industries beyond just edible product. As we noted in the opening, there’s a wide world of applications for industrial mixers.
What industries are industrial mixers used in?
We already mentioned food, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic and mineral, but there are several more notable industries that are worth noting. These include biotechnology, oil, biofuels, water treatment and paints and coatings. When you think about mixers and blenders, they truly have a role in a great number of industries – and they’re being applied to more and more industries and products as we speak.
What types of materials do industrial mixers mix?
Industrial mixers are able to blend a variety of solids, gases and liquids, or a combination of each. In terms of solids, they typically blend powders to homogenize bulk materials. Mixing is usually completed in either single-phase or multi-phase formats.
Do industrial mixers look like household mixers?
To a certain extent, yes. That’s largely because industrial mixers and household mixers both serve the same basic function of either mixing or blending product, so there’s the use of blades and other tooling to get the job done. However, the big way in which industrial mixers differ from household ones is in their size. For instance, while household mixers are generally small enough to fit on a kitchen countertop or be placed into the palm of your hand, industrial mixers range from the small side to the very large side. These smaller mixers are typically used in laboratory environments where as the large, production-sized mixers are used just for that – production – and little to nothing else. Furthermore, some mixer models are available to process just a few pints of product, while others are able to process up to several hundred or several thousand gallons worth of product. Industrial mixers are commonly made from stainless steel or some other type of high-strength, durable metal.
How many different types of industrial mixers are there?
There are dozens of types of industrial mixers and blenders. Here’s a list of some of the more popular types:
- Ribbon blender
- V blender
- Continuous processor
- Double cone blender
- Jet mixer
- Mobile mixers
- Drum blenders
- Planetary mixer
- Screw blender
In particular, let’s focus on the planetary mixer for a moment. These types of mixers work with a variety of round products, such as adhesives, pharmaceuticals, foods, electronics, plastics and pigments. Blades on a planetary mixer rotate on their own axes, and simultaneously on common axis, thereby enabling these types of industrial mixers to complete their tasks in a short period of time.
Another type of mixer that we didn’t mention on the list above is the Banbury mixer, which is used to mix compounding rubber and plastics. These types of mixers have spiral shaped blades enclosed in cylindrical shaped housings, which helps to reduce labor and costs when blending and mixing product.
What types of accessories are industrial mixers/blenders often outfitted with?
Because industrial mixers serve so many different industries and help produce so many different end products, it’s only fitting that they’re also commonly outfitted with a variety of add-ons and accessories. For instance, external or internal heating systems are often added to this type of equipment. Spray nozzles, and pneumatic systems and electric systems are also often added to ensure smooth starts and stops in the mixing and blending process.
How much do industrial mixers cost?
There are a lot of different types of industrial mixers, and these various types often differ in size, complexity and other aspects. On that note, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that industrial mixers vary in price based on their type and size. For instance, this price range can span several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars for an individual unit. While this may not seem like a large sum of money, for startup businesses or companies looking to expand their operations, acquiring these mixers are often a tolerated inconvenience that comes with the job at hand. And for many entities, several thousand dollars might not be in the cards at that point in time. That’s where an outlet like Bid on Equipment can come in handy, as previously owned equipment, like industrial mixers, are purchased and then resold for a fraction of the retail price. It can provide a business with that all-important costs savings when money is tight, yet production is imminent. And quality won’t be sacrificed, as pre-owned mixers are still adequate enough to get the job done and meet worksite expectations.
As you can see, industrial mixers play a large role in many different industries and are available in a plethora of shapes, sizes and styles in order to meet any application. For more information on industrial mixers, and to browse the vast selection of mixers and blenders contact Bid on Equipment today.